Christmas Shadows
Scott and Laci spend their first Christmas together, and make some major commitments to each other as well. Scott lands himself in a bit of hot water at work, but it would be his mother Jackie’s shocking secrets, that leave Laci rattled just before the couple says “I do.”
At the end of our last article in this series, Scott and Laci had just spent their first Thanksgiving together with her family in Modesto, California, and the trip had gone exceptionally well.
But they’d been planning a bit of a surprise for both sets of their parents as the holiday approached, and in mid December, she and Scott announced that they would be moving in together.
Shortly after their move, with their first Christmas as a couple now just days away, Laci wanted her present for Scott to be special, and she’d gifted him a golden retriever puppy. Laci had promptly named him McKenzie, after certifying he was the cutest one of the litter and bringing him home to Scott.
They found a house for rent in the country with tall prairie grass for McKenzie to romp through, and chickens next-door for him to bark at. The little ranch style home was charming and unique, with space enough for a large garden and a small creek running through the yard.
But soon after they moved into The Treehouse came the first sign of trouble, the first issue revealed to outsiders anyway, and it could have been much more serious had the choice been made to file charges against Scott.
Watch the video for these and so many more details!
Join us for our next article as we tag along with Anne to her first encounter with Jackie, and discover her impression of her new brother’s, Don Chapman and Scott Peterson. We’ll also get Laci’s reaction to the discovery of the adopted children from Jackie’s past, and the immediate drama the situation added to her upcoming wedding, and though we didn’t get to the dark secret Laci kept from her family and friends about Scott in this episode, it will definitely unfold next time, so continue on to part four of the series to get all the details.