Love is Blind
Welcome back to the second part of the Laci Peterson story. In this second episode of our deep dive into her life and tragic death at the hands of her husband, Scott Peterson, we’ll dig further into Laci Peterson’s early life and development.
At the end of our last episode, we learned a little about the very early life and family connections of both Laci Rocha (at the time), as well as Scott Peterson. We saw how they developed as children and the tight bond each of them had with their family.
In this episode we dig a little deeper into Laci’s early life and discover that even at an early age there were scares regarding her life. We’ll see how she and her family handled the situations they were in with an eye toward how it affected Laci’s development as a child and their relationship as a family. We also take a look at how the dynamic between her parents played a part in her development and we do the same for Scott’s family connections.
Like most families, Laci’s isn’t without issues and drama. In this video, we show the drama between her parents and reflected upon Laci. When Laci becomes a teenager, she begins to push boundaries like most young adults her age. Her dynamic and outgoing personality that she had as a little one wasn’t diminished by the events that happened earlier in her life, couple that with her determination to make her own decisions as a teenager and you can expect dynamic situations that many families can relate to.
We also take a close look at the early romantic relationships Laci had as a teenager and into her early college life as an adult.
There’s a lot more in the video, so be sure to subscribe to our channel, so you don’t miss an episode!